Delivery Time is different for Products and Services:

  1. 1. All OOH spaces are delivered based on the delivery dates confirmed per order from the “AGREED DATES OF DISPLAY” given in the PO. Normally, the orders are taken for a calendar month starting from 1st day of each month. In special cases and for the purpose of promotion and launches, the dates may be different. However, the delivery is guaranteed for the dates once the payment is confirmed. Reports are made available for the close of each month.

  2. "Availability". Every product detail's page will show a value similar to "Usually Ships in 4-7 days". We do our best to ship items out as quickly as possible, so we often get orders out more quickly..

  3. The method of Delivery - OOH spots are delivered as SPOT APPEARED ON THE DISPLAY SCREEN.

  4. The method of Delivery: Software products are delivered ONLINE.

  5. The method of delivery: Hardware products, Sound devices and other products and equipment are delivered through Courier services. Normal Courier charges only apply.

  6. Our shipping carriers takes 4-8 business days for delivery within India depending upon the city. There are several options for Express/Overnight delivery based on the time of day to be delivered to which charges will double..

    NOTE: The delivery time is also based on "business" days. For example, if you place an order on Sundays and on Holidays, it's impossible for us to ship an item the same day as all the shippers are closed.

Calculating Shipping Cost:
We do not profit from shipping. Should you charge Rush shipping, or if we're shipping your order internationally, your shipping cost will be exactly the same as we are charged by whichever shipping company is used to deliver your package.


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