About Amity Technopolis

Amity Technopolis is a Company specialized in Digital Dynamic Signages (DDS) and Digital Information System (DIS). Nearly two decades of business excellence in different verticals and an oasis of expertise in management and consultancy, Amity Technopolis can add glory to your screens by offering Turnkey Solutions to your optimal benefits.

Scala is the pioneer in Cable TV Industry and the leader in Digital Signage Solutions. Symbicon pioneered Outdoor bill boards with its LCD’s. Next Window, Avocent etc. are 3rd Generation Communication and Signage products. Bringing the Convergence of application to a Conglomerate - that is Amity Technopolis.

Amity Technopolis, in a respectable partnership with Scala provide the best Digital Signage platform for all major business verticals. Amity Technopolis pioneer to provide Digital Information System with Symbicon, only solution providers for DIS and Intelligent Display Devices including Indoor & Outdoor LCD’s. The partnership with Next Window, a leading designer and developer of Optical Touch Screens bring to India the latest touch Screen technology with touch sensitive overlays. Avocent carry the premium products for networking and AV System. A perfect combination with DDS, DIS, Network Solutions, Hardware Tie-ups, MATV, AV System etc. Amity is committed to excellence in professionalism and offers overall consultancy and management to advise you the best product suite and user friendly application for any environment. We offer the complete solutions to your Communication Networks and Display Screens to add beauty, value and build revenue.


Badarudheen Mohamed is the Chief Mentor and CEO of Amity Technopolis. He is instrumental to introduce Scala in India and has founded Amity Technopolis to offer complete Signage solutions with the latest and innovative technologies and products from a single window.

Partner and Associate of various Global Technology providers, member of various entrepreneur organizations, he lead a professional team with an excellent network across the region.

Scala Infochannel suite drives dynamic media playback in any number of key markets. It works with worldwide Partners and integrators to help ensure your visual Communication Networks run smoothly.

Amity Technopolis, in partnership with Scala, bring to India, the award winning Infochannel software platform to enable you visually communicate your brand and message quickly and easily, locally or around the world, to both employees and customers, all from a central locations.

Built on reliable and flexible network architecture, Scala InfoChannel software platform supports any existing IP-based network infrastructure from dial-up to LAN to Wi-Fi to internet or any terrestrial and satellite-based multicast networks. InfoChannel's powerful and efficient store-and-forward design allows the control of unique content to thousands of passive or interactive remote displays or kiosks all controlled from a central location.


Symbicon began developing the World’s largest LCD Panels and the first outdoor LCD’s after constant technology progress, research and development with Korean -Samsung Electronics.
Amity Technopolis and Symbicon partner to introduce new digital display solutions to the regular consumers and business houses to provide intelligent display solutions and outdoor media. New forms of digital communications attained significant role today, with the utilization of new communication devices and accelerates the pace of technology innovations.

The LCD technology is constantly progressing. We have reached this stage to offer intelligent display devices suitable for extreme climate conditions and any outdoor locations through continuous product development. Symbicon achieved this stage as the pioneer of manufacturing and developing Large LCD’s which is fit for any outdoor conditions

Next Window is the most prevalent large touch screen manufacturer. Next Window is at the forefront of Multi-Touch Screen development.
Amity Technopolis enjoyed outstanding success and glory with the partnership of Next Window Ltd.,     
Our touch sensitive overlays can be embedded, can transform existing LCD’s and PDP’s to interactive. We can also offer touch frames for all major verticals including telecommunications, tourism, retail, real estate and public information. Major applications include digital signage, directory information and way finding, wildlife exhibits, retail displays, digital whiteboards, interactive education, trade shows, real estate advertising, exhibitions, and many more.
For any major Signage Circuits, the ingredient - the products and technology partners are all the more important. With Amity Technopolis, you can design and manage an excellent Signage Circuit within the team, where all the requirements are met by us.


Together We Smile:

Today, it is a dynamic business world and for companies, it has become extremely important to constantly change themselves for the situation. They regularly revamp their products and re-invent the technology.

In this scenario of rapid change, few companies survive the onslaught of change and forge ahead successfully while others fall on the way side. So, for the definition of a success story, it can not be a slow process. The success is achieved from fast and positive culture where regular changes take place, sometimes overnight to be sustained to stay ahead in the dynamic business world!

This is your opportunity to profit from DDS!!
Together, we can narrate the success story!!!

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